AI4Health Winter School

Domain: Fostering institutional engagement and change

Action: Students engagement activities

Best practice title: AI4Health Winter School

Best practice summary: A one week winter school on use of AI in health domain aimed for students, post-docs, academics, public employees, and professionals.

By whom: EIT Health

Key ingredients / description: With three days of plenary lectures (January 10th-12th) led by international experts accompanied by two days of hands-on practical sessions (January 13th and 14th), this Winter School will cover the latest advances in the field of data science applied to health. Replays of each session will be available to anyone who registers to the Winter School  as soon as the session is over as we understand that the different timezones of the participants can make livestream sometimes difficult.

The school is aimed at students (final year masters, PhD), post-docs, academics, members of public institutions, and professionals. In order to participate to the practical sessions, basic knowledge in machine learning and python is required

The Winter School is organized by French Health Data Hub, as well as France’s leading AI research institutions: MIAI Grenoble3IA Cote d’Azur (Nice) and PRAIRIE (Paris).

Context (if applicable):

Audiences (if applicable):

Documents (if any):

Links (if any):

Key success factors / How to replicate:

Contact person: Claire Nassiet,

Keywords (at least 5): Winter school, Ai, Health