I&E Study course

Domain: Strengthening partnership

Best practice title: I&E Study course

Best practice summary: The course prepares the students for the real business world and is based on cases coming from companies. 

By whom: EIT Digital

Key ingredients / description:

The I&E Study course pivots around a case which is a challenge/question proposed and provided by a company that may be related to considering alternative business models or go-to-market scenarios in relation with the innovation or entrepreneurial case, fed by exploration in some speciļ¬c areas: business environment, competition, suppliers, partners, environmental, sustainability issues, etc.  Prior to solving that challenge/question the students acquire concepts and tools pertaining to the assessment of the impact of a technology on an industry, market and/or organization, and business research via online contents developed specifically for this aim. They also learn how to work in a group and to cooperate with each other to produce the final work. The I&E Study case is a perfect playground connecting the three elements of the knowledge triangle, business, research and academia, and to help the students develop the skills necessary to work in international teams located in different countries but working on the same project. The aim is to give students the opportunity to be creative and entrepreneurial through practical cases coming from companies, as they learn the basic concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Links (if any): https://ieonline.eitdigital.eu/

Key success factors / How to replicate:

To implement the project it is essential to have a group of trainers qualified in the area of new technologies, business and IT, and to have access to good quality cases on a local level.

Contact person: Galena Pisoni, galena.pisoni@univ-cotedazur.fr

Keywords: (at least 5) Business Cases, Go-to-market, Business environment, Competition, Suppliers, Partners, Environmental, Sustainability Issues