Job and Graduation Day

Domain: Domain 2 Strengthening partnerships

Action: New collaboration, Collaborate with EIT KICs

Best practice title: Job and Graduation Day

Best practice summary: The EIT labeled program Emerald is having a job day, with invited Industrial EIT RawMaterials Partners and Start Ups. This is connected to the graduation event and gives the graduates the chance to pitch their Master thesis results.

By whom: Emerald Partner Universities: ULiege, Université de Lorraine, Luleå University of Technology

Key ingredients / description: Industrial partners, well trained students

Context (if applicable): Graduation ceremony

Audiences (if applicable): Students, companies

Documents (if any):

Links (if any):

Key success factors / How to replicate: Partnerships with industry.

Contact person: Rosalia Fiorentino

Keywords (at least 5): Jobfair, Hiring, Partner satisfaction, Networking, Relations