Smart Manufacturing Summer School

Domain: Enhancing the quality of innovation and entrepreneurship education

Action: Training programs

Best practice title:  EIT Manufacturing Summer School

Best practice summary:  Devoted to Smart Manufacturing, this event will provide current or prospective PhD students with the necessary skills, practical know-how, attitudes and values to meet complex demands in 4.0 industry environment.

By whom: EIT Manufacturing

Key ingredients / description: The EIT Manufacturing Summer School is an opportunity for self-driven, ambitious PhD candidates to broaden their network with potential European partners and to boost their abilities and competencies in advanced tools for the design, implementation, organization, quality assessment and improvement of intelligent manufacturing systems. The Summer School aims to inspire and generate a highly skilled manufacturing workforce able to leverage manufacturing innovation, thereby contributing to the European competitiveness and the creation of highlevel jobs. The target audience is PhD students and professionals from industry with the right mindset to become movers and shakers ready to create a positive smart manufacturing impact by offering sustainable solutions.

Context (if applicable):

Audiences (if applicable):

Documents (if any):

Links (if any):

Key success factors / How to replicate:

Contact person: Lucia Ramundo,

Keywords (at least 3): Manufacturing, PhD, Industry