About EIT Communities

What is EIT?

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), Europe’s largest innovation community, powers Europe’s top innovators to turn their best ideas into products, services and jobs.

How does it work? To boost innovation, Europe needs business, higher education and research to work together. That’s precisely what the EIT does.

The EIT’s Innovation Communities create and find innovative solutions to major societal challenges, including energy, climate, health, raw materials, digitalization, food, manufacturing and urban mobility. They offer access to talent, knowledge, funding and new business sectors to: develop innovative products and services, start new companies, and train a new generation of entrepreneurs.

The ElT is an integral part of Horizon 2020

The EIT now has eight Innovation Communities:
EIT Climate-KIC: addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges
EIT Digital: driving Europe’s digital transformation
EIT Food: putting Europe at the centre of a global revolution in food innovation and production
EIT Health: improving quality of life for European citizens and sustainability of health and social care systems
EIT InnoEnergy: achieving sustainable energy
EIT Raw Materials: ensuring the accessibility, availability and sustainable use of raw materials for the economy and citizens
EIT Manufacturing: global manufacturing innovation will be led by Europe
EIT Urban Mobility: solving the mobility challenges facing our cities

Each of the EIT Innovation Communities operates in innovation hubs. The innovation hubs are spread across the EU to increase the impact of the EIT’s activities.

The EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) helps organisations across Europe benefit from the EIT Community’s work and participate in its activities. It reaches out to European regions not yet working with the EIT and its Innovation Communities and focuses on their capacity to improve innovation.