About HEI Initiative

HEI Capacity building

The initiative aims to support higher education institutions with expertise and coaching, access to the EIT innovation ecosystem, and funding, enabling them to develop innovation action plans complementing the needs of individual higher education institutions.

Selected projects design institution-wide action plans that improve their entrepreneurial and innovation capacity across all institutional levels. By supporting such activities, the initative creates systemic impact, empowering HEIs to become regional engines of innovation and foster sustainable growth and jobs across Europe.

Activities of the project focus on several themes, including:

  • Fostering institutional engagement and change
  • Strengthening partnership between higher education, business and research organisations
  • Developing innovation and business support services
  • Enhancing the quality of entrepreneurial education


Deliverables Table EIT HEI Initiative Template

Word HEI Initiative Template (Please use this template for all internal and external communication for your project.)

PPT HEI Initiative Template (Please use this template for all internal and external communication for your project.)